Indoor - Outdoor RTLS, Environmental monitoring & Presence
due to the advanced technology used sensors, radar, sonars, motion or sound detectors have upgraded abilities. Therefore, development of technology for components, leads to a significant and rapid increase of the capabilities of IoT.
System’s health monitoring
Highly technological sensors that allow monitoring of a system’s health status have been developed by the industry of defence. Alerting the operator of a platform about a malfunction is just one of many functions that these tools possess. In order to offer predictive analytics data regarding failures and malfunctions long before they appear these tools combine sensor input and data analytics.
The most critical obstacles that IoT development has to face. However, suppliers face trouble going beyond their traditional domains when providing security solutions. For instance, operators’ IoT security offers are mostly related to device authentication and network reliability. It is obvious that breaches will always occur at the device level, network level, application level, storage level, and data level but there is some work in progress aiming to help vendors.