Pre-sales questionnaire for indoor positioning system (IPS)
WHY to choose Indoor Positioning System (IPS) solution:
1) How the IPS technology will help to achieve project requirements (please describe use-case and added value)?
2) How IPS position data will be further used or processed (e.g. storing directly to DB, further sophisticated processing)?
3) What is the object of tracking and how many objects should be tracked?
4) What accuracy does your project requires? Is the required accuracy the same among entire location area?
5) How often do you need location data from the monitored object (e.g. real time, 100ms, 2s, 30s, every minute, hour…)?
6) Where the Tag will be placed (on the roof of the forklift, inside palette, on the handle of the trolley, on the helmet…)?
7) Dimensions of the tracking areas, where you need to monitor position of Tags.
WHERE IPS system is going to be installed:
8) Attach floorplan with tracking areas highlighted (at least approximate).
9) Do you require location tracking among entire floorplan or just within some areas? If so, please highlight them into floorplan.
10) If possible, please provide pictures of the area. Alternatively, try to find an image on the Internet (e.g. using that would allow us to get an idea of your area.
11) Are there significant obstacles in the monitored area (e.g. high machines or equipment, shelf etc.)? If so, mark their position on the floor plan.
12) What is the height of the ceiling inside the localization area?
13) How the Tag will be mounted on the monitored object in the real use case (3M tape, custom enclosure with magnet, integrating a tag inside a box)?
14) What is the expected battery life time?
• What is the speed profile (average and maximum speed) of monitored objects?
• Do you plan to use planar localization (X, Y axis), or 3D localization (Z-axis) is required?
• How much time is the tag static and how much time is in movement within a day?
• Environmental conditions in the monitored area can be described as – indoor (factory hall, office spaces, shopping mall), semi-open (area covered by a roof without walls), outdoor.
• What kind of conditions a Tag must withstand (water, humidity, dust, rotation, g-force, shock, temperature span, atmospheric pressure)?
• Are there temperatures outside normal range 0-40 °C?
• Are required any special certifications for the environment where the IPS will be deployed (e.g. ATEX)?
• How are you planning to evaluate the IPS technology (precision and accuracy, reliability of Anchor, reliability of Tags)?